Cannabis Extract Medicine Begins To Take Hold Worldwide

Justin Kander

Editor’s Note: Justin Kander is webmaster of the Phoenix Tears organization and author of the Comprehensive Report on the Cannabis Extract Movement, a 100-page report that examines and analyzes the mounting evidence in support of cannabis extracts as medicine.

Recent news surrounding the use of cannabis extracts for cancer and other diseases has largely been concentrated in the United States, where thousands of families are beginning to use high-cannabidiol oil for various forms of epilepsy.

However, use of marijuana as a medicine is not limited to America or epilepsy, and throughout the world, people are beginning to use cannabis-derived medicine for epileptic and other conditions.

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Las Vegas – Enlightenment sought at medicinal marijuana town hall

Reported by: Antonio Castelan Email:
LAS VEGAS (KSNV — Locals let Clark County commissioners know how they felt about medical marijuana Wednesday night at a town hall meeting.
More than 300 people packed the Clark County Commissioners chambers to discuss medical marijuana dispensaries.
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Other states applaud Nevada’s proposed marijuana laws

Reported by: Vicki Gonzalez Email:
LAS VEGAS (KSNV & MyNews3) — Nevada’s proposed laws on medical marijuana dispensaries haven’t even been cemented, but already they’re being touted as some of the most robust and progressive the country has seen.
“What Nevada is doing now is unprecedented to any other state,” said Paul Cody, who is a medical marijuana patient, as well as a former collective owner in California.
Cody says it’s because of these laws that he moved to Clark County.
“They are making the best decisions with as much education and wisdom that they have available,” Cody says.
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Medical marijuana and ‘the entourage effect’

By Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN chief medical correspondent
“Here is the important point. Mechoulam, along with many others, said he believes all these components of the cannabis plant likely exert some therapeutic effect, more than any single compound alone.
While science has not yet shown the exact role or mechanism for all these various compounds, evidence is mounting that these compounds work better together than in isolation: That is the “entourage effect.”
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Major shift: CA Democrats’ proposed platform plank calls for full legalization of pot

With proponents arguing that it could put billions into state coffers and provide crucial jobs, California Democrats on Sunday will move to insert a plank in their party platform calling to “support the legalization, regulation and taxation of pot in a manner similar to that of tobacco or alcohol,” the Chronicle has learned.
The proposed platform change comes as 3,000 California Democrats met this weekend at a 3-day convention in Los Angeles, where they heard an appeal Saturday by CalifonriaLt. Gov Gavin Newsom on the issue. The former San Francisco mayor argued to Democrats that — as with same sex marriage — the state should be leading, and not following, on a key issue which polls show now has gained marked support among Americans.
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