A unique opportunity and special retreat!
Relax, Relearn, and Resource!
Start your weekend off right this Saturday April 9th. at 10.30 am, on a private 2 acre botanical garden that is Willow Creek Springs. Enjoy coffee or tea, and learn from the foremost authority on aquaponics, JP Poseidon. Gather gardening tips from expert organic gardener, Joe Grumbine. Enjoy an hour with the renowned feminized seeds breeder, and author of Modern Chemistry, Clark Metcalfe!
With JP Poseidon’s 3 hour Introduction to Aquaponics you’ll learn basic concepts and ideas of the different types of aquaponic systems, and the 3 main components; fish, plants, and bacterias. Learn water quality, stocking densities, setup and design, irrigation, drainage, water cycle times, what pumps to use and not to use. Learn how to use organic fertilizers, worms and compostings, what grow containers to use, what to use to combat pests, IPM, and much more.
A $75 donation covers all of Saturday’s events!
Come back Sunday, April 10th. for DJ Short, cultivater and breeder extraordinare!
Winner of the 2000 Cannabis Cup with his Blueberry strain placing 1st.
End your weekend right this Sunday April 10th. with the all days events for $130 starting with DJ Short! The winner of the 2000 Cannabis Cup for his famous Blueberry strain. DJ Short is one of the most important breeders of our time. This is a rare opportunity to spend an entire day with a legendary breeder that raises the bar for all cannabis breeders with his orginal mix of new and old world genetics.
Enjoy “Methods of Ingestion” with Sarah Diesel. A lady that gives whole new meaning to High Society. Her lifestyle magazine for cannabis connossiuers is bringing a more sophisticated perspective on the once taboo plant. Sarah is also well known for her “Pin Up’s for Patients” Calendar, which a little bird told us she just might have with her!
Enjoy the casual atmosphere around the fire, stay for Dinner with Don Duncan, cofounder of Americans For Safe Access. Chat, relax, have dessert while sipping coffee or tea, and enjoy the live entertainment by Hunters and Gatherers, and Hula Hoopers on fire! The after party, fireside dinner is $100. Special guests are sure to arrive, and the festivities are expected to last all night. Help raise funds while enjoying the day, the evening, food and friendship. Learn a new trick or two, and help keep innocent patients out of jail!
Special Discounts!
Saturday $75 All Day
Sunday w/ DJ Short, Sarah Diesel and Don Duncan $130
Sunday Dinner Party only, starting @ 7 pm $100
Sunday All Day and Night, including Fireside Dinner w/ Live Entertainment $190
A very special discount for both days and ALL events, including the after party, $225
Please call #951-436-6312 for more information.