The 150 pot-smoking pensioners who are sparking the medical marijuana debate

By Daily Mail Reporter

Smoking in retirement: Mr Schwartz, a great-grandfather of three, is a stroke sufferer who smokes the drug to alleviate debilitating nausea

One of the largest retirement communities in the United States has lit up the national debate over medical marijuana use in Southern California.
Laguna Woods Village, located in one of the most conservative and wealthiest California counties, is a vast 18,000-person gated community that is home to roughly 150 cannabis-smoking senior citizens.

Joe Schwartz, a 90-year-old great-grandfather of three, is one of them.   As a World War II vet and stroke sufferer
Mr Schwartz is part of the Laguna Woods Village medical marijuana collective operating in one of the largest retirement communities in the United States.
The experimental group mirrors a nationwide trend of more senior citizens turning to marijuana – whether legal or not – to ease aches and pains of aging.

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