Bayer leading producer of a toxic chemical


Taking aspirin may do more harm tha`n good, according to a study by the Political Economy Research Institute.
The study sought to discover which companies produce the highest “toxic score,” a rating derived from a combination of what the Political Economy Research Institute deems to be a company’s toxic outputs.
The group’s findings were surprising. Bayer Group, makers of Aleve and Aspirin, topped their list of world’s worst polluters, even beating out oil giants Valero Energy Corp., ConocoPhillips and Exxonmobile.
In addition to popular pain medications, Bayer produces a chemical called bisphenol A, or BPA. This compound has been widely used to create clear, hard plastics. If consumed, BPA can lead to neurological defects, heart disease, diabetes, early onset of puberty in girls, infertility, obesity, breast cancer and prostate cancer, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
It was this particular product that pushed Bayer’s toxic score to the top of the list.
Another group said aspirin isn’t the only product people should be wary of. According to a recent news release from the Harvard School of Public Health, eating canned foods can increase your personal BPA toxicity level by more than 1,000 percent.
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