The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention wants Americans to jump off the dangerous OxyContin train. Instead, the CDC is advising people suffering chronic pain to take ibuprofen and commit to physical therapy.
Ibruprofen? Nonsense, says Dr. Gene Dorio, a Santa Clarita physician who specializes in geriatrics and internal medicine.
“The (CDC) wants doctors to stop using opioids but offers nothing as an alternative except Tylenol and ibuprofen,” Dr. Dorio says. “People who are bedridden have diffuse pain that over-the-counter drugs just won’t relieve. They’re just not effective. There’s no doubt that marijuana works on many different ailments.”
Dorio hosts a Wednesday morning radio show on KHTS 1220 AM and often talks about pain relief through marijuana. So does Dorio’s patient and co-host Barbara Cochran, 80, a cancer survivor who says she’s alive because of medicinal marijuana. She says she wants to make sure the CDC knows how she feels about the suggestion to take aspirin for severe pain.
“If you’ll pardon the expression,” Cochran says, “the CDC is full of shit.”
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