Indiana lawmakers to study legalizing marijuana

MERRILLVILLE, Ind. (AP) — State lawmakers will soon begin studying whether Indiana should amend its drug laws to decriminalize marijuana, create a medical marijuana program or make other changes.
The Post-Tribune of Merrillville reports that the General Assembly’s criminal law and sentencing policy study committee will examine different angles of the marijuana issue. The committee’s first meeting is next week, though it’s not clear whether marijuana laws will be discussed then or during future meetings.
State Sen. Karen Tallian, D- Ogden Dunes, pushed for the study committee and says Indiana has “draconian” marijuana laws.
“One day, I watched three young kids plead cases on possession of small amounts,” Tallian said. “I thought, ‘Why are we spending all of the time and money to do this?’ Frankly, I put marijuana in the same category as alcohol.”
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