No more than 12 plants per patient, please. Credits: Getty Images
About 85 percent of card-carrying medical marijuana patients will grow their own supply until a dispensary system is in place, Will Humble , Arizona’s Director of Human Services told KJZZ in an interview that aired Tuesday March 20.
Patients who live more than 25 miles from a dispensary are permitted to grow up to 12 plants for their personal use, Humble says, but they will be required to re-apply for permission each year when they renew their cards . As more dispensaries open, more patients will be denied permission to grow their own plants.
About 75 percent medical marijuana patients are men, Humble says, which seems to be the case in all states that permit marijuana to be grown, sold, and used for medical purposes. “Our demographic is a little bit older” than other states’, he added. Most patients requested marijuana to relieve chronic pain caused by illness or injury.
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