Change and innovation in the building industry is a slow process. Change has to take root and then drive through the multiple tiers of players, starting with consumers and making its way through suppliers, manufacturers, designers, and builders.
That’s partly why Eben Bayer, CEO and founder of Ecovative, worked on creating a product that can make a change by fitting into the existing infrastructure. His product, MycoBoard, is “grown” using hemp, mycelium—the vegetative growth stage of fungi— and a little bit of starch and it can be used as particleboard to manufacture products used in the building process.
That’s partly why Eben Bayer, CEO and founder of Ecovative, worked on creating a product that can make a change by fitting into the existing infrastructure. His product, MycoBoard, is “grown” using hemp, mycelium—the vegetative growth stage of fungi— and a little bit of starch and it can be used as particleboard to manufacture products used in the building process.