New Zealand – Councillor launches campaign to legalise cannabis

Councillor launches campaign to legalise cannabis  (Source: Fairfax)
A Waimate councillor is calling for cannabis decriminalisation for the good of her community.
Sandy Mulqueen has formed a lobby group and has made a submission in the council’s long term plan outlining a project to decriminalise marijuana for personal and medicinal use.
The lobby group We Desire Change has been launched online and is backed by her submission.
A Facebook page dedicated to it has attracted 1100 friends since it was formed last week.
Mulqueen says she wants cannabis legalised around the world.
“It’s a wee bit of semantics; I’ve been using decriminalise but I don’t think it’s the right word.
“I think we need to open debate; we’re not being taken seriously by the major political parties.”
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