Cannabis Clubs will be protesting today in front of San Jose City Hall from 12:00pm-7:10pm Thursday, July 10th. The first 1,000 San Jose residents to attend will be given a voucher for a free medical cannabis evaluation, and if they qualify as a medical cannabis patient, they can get a free Medical Marijuana Recommendation (aka: a “cannabis card”). All patients, collective employees and community supporters are urged to attend the protest and to sign a petition for a referendum that would stop the city from closing collectives in just 8 days, on July 18th.
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Category: Cannabis News Corner
Supercool Dude in Tie-dye Shirt Fired for Waiting 19 Hours to Buy Legal Weed, ‘Still #1 Tho!!’
By Joe Coscarelli
If there is a more chill man than Mike Boyer, we haven’t heard of him. After waiting 19 hours to become the first person to buy legalized marijuana in Spokane, Washington, Boyer’s local celeb status cost him his job as a security guard. He is most definitely not sweating it: “I’m still the captain! I’m still number one!” he told Vocativ. “I mean, a man can always can get a job. But a man can only be the first person to buy recreational cannabis in Spokane once.”
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Kentucky’s first hemp crop growing quickly; sprouting interest
By Lawrence Smith – email
Kentucky’s first legal hemp crop in more than 50 years is growing quickly.
After just six weeks in the ground, the hemp seeds planted May 27 at the University of Kentucky, have grown to about 5-feet tall.
“Six weeks in, it’s looking just fine,” said UK agronomist David Williams.
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Bio Facades Generate Energy For Buildings
Vertical gardens, solar panels and smart glass have become popular facade materials for their green credentials, but bio façades take things a step further, generating energy for their buildings.
The trend toward bio-materials is a trend being driven by the depletion of fossil fuels. Buildings are responsible for approximately 40 per cent of the world’s total energy consumption, and the architecture industry is responding through the new form of building exteriors.
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Seattle’s Top Cop Buys Pot — Legally!
WASHINGTON: The Evergreen State became the second state in the union to allow for recreational marijuana sales to adults. More than 200 customers waited in line, along with an equal number of press — straight, cannabis and internet — at Seattle’s Cannabis City in SODO.
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The Other Cannabis War : The Battle Over Hemp
In the annals of strange bedfellow politics, the story of how, in 2014, industrial hemp emerged from Drug War purgatory is an epic one. But even for long-time hemp advocates, the sight of Rep. Thomas Massie, a conservative Republican from northern Kentucky, biting jubilantly into a hemp bar on live TV last month was startling.
Buried in February’s $956 billion farm bill is an amendment, co-sponsored by Rep. Massie, that legally distinguishes industrial hemp from marijuana after decades of conflation. It defines hemp as an agricultural crop rather than a drug — and effectively frees American farmers to grow it for the first time in almost 60 years.
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How To Brew Cannabis Tinctures (Eyedroppers Full Of Happiness)
Andrew Tarantola, Gawker Media
Now that you’re good and deafened from last night’s Independence Day celebrations, it’s time to do something productive with your recovery day-like, say, brewing alcohol-derived cannabis concentrates that will have you melting into your couch all day tomorrow.
What is a Tincture?
Unlike Cold Water Press or Bubble Hash, which respectively rely on cold temperature and butane to extract the active THC molecules, tinctures utilize alcohol extraction. THC actually starts off in the plant as THCA (tetrahydrocannabolic acid) and usually must be heated to convert the THCA molecules into active THC, but the same effect can be achieved using an alcohol bath to dissolve the THC present within the plant matter.
What you’re left with after these methods? Highly concentrated iquid TCH, consumed a few drops at a time, making your weekend that much more wonderful.
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Medical Marijuana Farmers Market Opens to Big Crowds
Arkansas – Campaigns make last push before petition deadline
Beyond fireworks, American flags and barbecue, be prepared for another sight at Arkansas’ Fourth of July festivals and parades this weekend: Someone asking for signatures.
Supporters of efforts to raise the state’s minimum wage, legalize medical and recreational uses of marijuana and expand alcohol sales are making a last push to gather signatures over the holiday weekend as they near the deadline to submit petitions to the state.
Groups campaigning for the four ballot initiatives said they’re hopeful they’ll be able to turn in more than enough signatures to qualify for the ballot on Monday, and plan to spend the next few days gathering and counting signatures. Dozens of paid workers and volunteers will be fanning out across the state at various events over the weekend.
“To tell you the honest truth, the Fourth of July will either make us or break us,” said Melissa Fults, who heads up Arkansans for Compassionate Care, which hopes to get its initiated act legalizing medical marijuana on the November ballot. “We’re very close, but we’re hopeful the Fourth of July festivities will help get us there.”
The medical marijuana measure is one of two proposed initiated acts vying for a spot on the November ballot. To qualify, supporters will have to submit at least 62,507 signatures from registered voters. Proposed constitutional amendments need at least 78,133 signatures.
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The Drug War: ‘Against the Wind,’ Part 1
By Mariann G. Wizard | The Rag Blog
In a perfect storm for prohibition, the “house of straw” — the credibility of anti-marijuana lies — is the first to fall. Image from
Part 1: House of Straw
America’s long-running and expensive “War on Drugs,” despite claims that it protects citizens from the harms of dangerously addictive drugs, has been most aggressively focused on cannabis (marijuana, hemp; Cannabis sativa).
Cannabis is not physically addictive and has been consumed by humans for thousands of years without any documented deaths from its use alone. To even begin to catalog the harms of prohibition itself would take a book and cannot be undertaken seriously until the war is over.
Cannabis is one of the most variable members of the plant kingdom, capable of expressing many attributes depending on genetics and nurture. Strains of cannabis (hemp) that provided fiber for sails and rope during the American Revolution did not have any psychoactive effects. Until the mid-1930s, cannabis was grown in the U.S. as hemp, primarily for its valuable fiber, but also for its edible, energy-rich seed oil.
Other strains (marijuana, ganja, reefer, etc.), long known in Asia and Africa and imported to the West by Queen Victoria of England’s physician, among others, do have such effects and are valued as medicine and as social lubricants less volatile than alcohol.
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