Oklahoma family confronts governor’s office – fighting for baby’s health


A mother and father were at the Capitol Friday to plead for Governor Mary Fallin to follow through with a promise.

They want to talk to Fallin about their little girl who needs a type of medical marijuana to treat her seizures.

Two months ago the mother, Brittany Hardy-Warrior, confronted the governor in public.

She says one of the governor’s aides, Cody Inman, told her he’d set up a time to listen to their case, but it never happened.

So, the family showed up at the governor’s office to hand over her daughter’s medical records that show baby Jaqie’s seizures went from more than 150 a day to eight a day after using cannabis oil.

“The very next morning my baby woke up with a personality, She woke up with a smile on her face,” said Hardy-Warrior. “She was holding toys again. She’s started rolling now, reaching. She hugs me. I never received a hug from my baby before she had cannabis oil.”

The family’s effort to talk to the governor about legalization of medical marijuana has fallen flat.

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Marijuana Is An Issue In Oklahoma Governor Race

By Associated Press


A Republican with nearly a quarter century in political office who has never lost an election, Gov. Mary Fallin, faces two lesser-known opponents in next week’s GOP primary who have made their support of marijuana legalization an issue in the campaign.

Criminal defense attorney Chad Moody is known around Oklahoma City as “The Drug Lawyer,” while computer network operator Dax Ewbank is a libertarian leaning Republican and father of seven from Guthrie. Both say they support the full legalization of cannabis.

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Las Vegas rolls out plan for medical marijuana businesses

Taking a slow but steady approach, the city of Las Vegas has a tentative plan to handle applications for medical marijuana establishments in its own fashion. Not the way Clark County did it. Not the way Henderson is doing it. Not the way North Las Vegas is expected to do it.
“The tentative plan is to have special use permits before the Planning Commission with meetings in the month of September,” Planning Director Flinn Fagg said Wednesday. “Then it would be forward to the City Council in October. It would be about the same time the state will be reviewing it.”
Meanwhile, the Las Vegas Department of Planning will accept land use and licensing applications between July 8 and July 17, and has mandated that anyone who submits an application must attend a workshop. More information is on the city’s website at www.lasvegasnevada.gov/medicalmarijuana.
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Medical marijuana: The illegal miracle. Part 1

Two families torn apart by illness and tortured by the medication that is designed to save them have discovered the incredible benefits of marijuana. Top cops and anti-drug families talk to Sunday Night about discovering this illegal substance is not only relieving their pain but providing cures. Plus, the live viewer debate about legalizing marijuana.
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Chronic Pain And The Theraputic Benefits Of Medical Cannabis

Dr. Malik Burnett
“Medical cannabis is a very effective therapy for chronic pain patients because it affects people’s perception of pain, has the ability to mitigate the inflammatory process, and has been shown to affect voltage-gated sodium channels in nerves in a way similar to lidocaine,” reports Dr. Mark Rabe, Medical Director of Centric Wellness, am integrative holistic healthcare practice in San Diego CA and Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board at Medical Marijuana Sciences, Inc.
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How did casino interests get mixed up in marijuana debate?

Bradenton Herald
So what’s a Las Vegas casino mogul doing in the middle of Florida’s medical marijuana debate?
Sheldon Adelson, the owner of the Las Vegas Sands, donated $2.5 million this month to the Drug Free Florida Committee, which was formed to oppose the legalization of medicinal marijuana in Florida, an issue state voters will decide in November by referendum.
Adelson doesn’t live in Florida, and he is a huge supporter of research that supports using marijuana to treat debilitating diseases.
He and his wife, Miriam, are the principal benefactors of the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Center for the Biology of Addictive Diseases at Tel Aviv University.
“Marijuana has long been known to relieve pain and nausea, but the medical benefits may in fact be much more significant,” the center reported. “Researchers at the Adelson Center are finding major medical properties in marijuana that could affect the way neurodegenerative diseases and brain injuries are treated.”
So you would think if Adelson was going to throw his money around in Florida on the marijuana issue, it would be to support medicinal legalization, not fight it.
Unless you consider that Adelson’s money has nothing to do with marijuana.
Adelson’s primary interest in Florida is as a locale for his casinos.

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Industrial hemp – agriculture’s best kept secret

John Ryan

How’s this for a fictional scenario: imagine an agricultural crop that could replace the plastics industry. That would mean half the world’s oil production, which is used in the plastics processing industry, wouldn’t be needed.

Imagine if that same crop could provide high quality paper products, meaning no more forests would have to be chopped down.

At the risk of sounding like John Lennon, imagine if this same crop provided building bricks so insulated your house required no expensive heating or cooling; if the health foods that could be produced from it could help beat many types of cancers; if the wood replacement products were lighter and stronger than the construction materials made of wood; if this crop used only 20 to 30 per cent of the water needed for other major crops; if this crop needed no expensive pesticides or herbicides… imagine all that.

This crop exists and until 1900, it was the largest traded commodity in the world.

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Kentucky – Veterans of Foreign Wars Dept. Passes Cannabis Access Resolution

Msgt Thomas Vance USAF Ret.
The State Journal
Friday June 13th 2014, and a full moon must have been lucky for supporters of a Veterans of Foreign Wars resolution calling on the VFW to support Veteran access to medical cannabis through the auspices of the Veterans Administration.
The resolution which passed at the Department of Kentucky State Convention calls on the Federal Government to begin ‘post haste’ to provide medical cannabis to Veterans with qualifying conditions through the Veteran Administration Hospital System pharmacies.
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Oklahoma Sen. Connie Johnson unveils recreational marijuana petition

By: Christine VanTimmeren, Primetime Reporter
Oklahoma could soon become the third state in the nation, behind Colorado and Washington, to legalize recreational marijuana. A petition filed by Democratic State Senator Connie Johnson on Friday would make one ounce or less of marijuana legal.

“Here it is,” said Sen. Johnson. “It’s time for us to get up, get fired up, literally, and let’s go.” Supporters of Sen. Johnson’s Marijuana Legalization Act cheered in front of her at the State Capitol Friday afternoon.

Sen. Johnson says it’s about time Oklahoma updated its marijuana policies. She says prohibition didn’t work for alcohol and it’s not working for marijuana.
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