Cedric Black Eagle, founding partner of CannaNative, signing a deal with San Diego venture capital firm General Hemp to fund CannaNative. May 7, 2015. (Photo by Jordan Guzzardo)
The Navajo have signed their first resolution to grow industrial hemp from the cannabis plant. CannaNative was also able to obtain the first signed Resolution from Navajo, and next they will meet with the Navajo Agricultural Products Industries (NAPI) farms CEO to arrange for a signed MOU/Resolution to proceed. The Navajo took steps to amend their tribal law back in July 2000 to prepare for this when they decided that industrial hemp was an acceptable crop. The tribe has already taken steps to establish agricultural commerce in 70,000 acre farm. They would add to that farm with an industrial hemp cash crop with CannaNative’s assistance.
“I believe that the Indian cannabis industry will far surpass the Indian gaming industry,” said CannaNative chief executive officer Anthony Rivera. While gaming has been lucrative, it hasn’t benefited all tribes and casino growth numbers are slowing. The Indian community sees industrial hemp as a revenue source that will level the play field for all tribes.
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