A Denver woman has been acquitted of driving stoned, even though she tested nearly four times above the state’s legal limit for marijuana.
Melanie Brinegar’s blood came back at 19 nanograms, the state’s legal limit is 5 nanograms. “5 nanograms is not logical, it`s not fair to medical patients,” said Brinegar.
The 29-year-old was pulled over in June of 2014 for an expired license plate tag. “He (police officer) smelled marijuana, I told him I`m a medical marijuana patient,” said Brinegar.
In fact, Brinegar moved to Colorado two years ago from Indiana so that she could legally access medical marijuana.
“I’m constantly in pain if I don’t use cannabis,” said Brinegar.
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Category: Cannabis News Corner
Hemp Dog may be local food 1st at State Fair
Jere Downs, @JereDowns
(Photo: Alton Strupp/The Courier-Journal)
Local hemp might help local beef bounce back into the Kentucky State Fair after decades of commodity burgers and rib eye sandwiches dished up on the fairway.
Henry County cattle farmer David Neville’s “Kentucky Hemp Dog” represents his crusade for a truly local beef product that might be served in Kentucky Cattlemen’s Association tents.
“People have really been fussing the last two or three years that we can’t get local beef into the Kentucky State Fair,” Neville said. “We really want to do a Kentucky Hemp Dog to get the buzz where people will try it.”
The junkiest of junk food — trucked in from out of state — usually grabs the fair spotlight. This year, Tater Tots smothered in caramel, maple syrup and marshmallows will tempt fair goers at concessions run by Sivori Catering of Louisville. Other gut bombs served up by Sivori in recent years include a burger smashed inside a glazed doughnut.
When the fair opens Aug.18, Neville and the Cattleman’s Association hope fair goers will heed the spirit of the fair to seek out a locally-grown and processed beef dog instead.
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Pennsylvania Legalizes Industrial Hemp
Alex Thomas
Farmers and freedom lovers in the Keystone State have reason to celebrate: Pennsylvania legalized industrial hemp Wednesday.
The new law gives individuals the right to farm and sell the plant, but with some strings attached: Interested parties have to register through an agricultural pilot program and are subject to regulations proffered by a newly created Hemp Research Board.
The legislation also allows colleges and universities to produce hemp for research purposes.
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Skoochies: The new cannabis drink Nigerian celebs are drinking
Adedayo Showemimo
Cannabis tea
If you’ve never heard the word ‘Skoochies‘ and you claim to be ‘street’, then your street credentials needs to be re-evaluated and this story is NOT for you!
In simple terms, ‘Skoochies’ is a ‘street cocktail’ made from cannabis/weed leaves. The leaves are boiled, the shaft is sieved and the water (tea) is mixed with different solvents like alcohol, milk, sugary drinks and more.
Its popularity on the streets and among Nigerian celebrities is rapidly growing and the fact that it has health benefits as well as its sexual enhancement prowess has made it an increasing replacement for other street drinks like alomo, ogidiga, jedi-drinks and others that reigned supreme in time past.
We researched the drink further and we stumbled on an article written by article byRyan Hurd on, where he states, ‘cannabis tea does have health benefits; some of which are predictable, and others that are not. Like smoking marijuana, drinking the tea may relieve anxiety while reducing nausea and chronic pain. Unlike smoking marijuana, the tea is not inhaled through the lungs and thus does not contain the risk of developing long-term lung problems, like emphysema. Surprisingly, cannabis tea may help treat autoimmune diseases‘.
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Hemp and Change – Can cannabis farming help clean up the land contaminated by Europe’s biggest steel plant?
By Sara Manisera
Farmers in the Puglia region are growing hemp to help decontaminate the area surrounding Italy’s largest power plant.
Agri View: Cannabis Oil Possibilities
Everett Griner
Health Benefits of Cannabis Essential Oil
Some of the most important health benefits of cannabis oil include its ability to reduce stress and anxiety, improve the quality of sleep, boost appetite and optimize digestion, reduce pain, prevent certain cancers, strengthen hearthealth, and protect your skin, among others.
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Toss the OxyContin and Turn to Pot for Pain Relief Instead?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention wants Americans to jump off the dangerous OxyContin train. Instead, the CDC is advising people suffering chronic pain to take ibuprofen and commit to physical therapy.
Ibruprofen? Nonsense, says Dr. Gene Dorio, a Santa Clarita physician who specializes in geriatrics and internal medicine.
“The (CDC) wants doctors to stop using opioids but offers nothing as an alternative except Tylenol and ibuprofen,” Dr. Dorio says. “People who are bedridden have diffuse pain that over-the-counter drugs just won’t relieve. They’re just not effective. There’s no doubt that marijuana works on many different ailments.”
Dorio hosts a Wednesday morning radio show on KHTS 1220 AM and often talks about pain relief through marijuana. So does Dorio’s patient and co-host Barbara Cochran, 80, a cancer survivor who says she’s alive because of medicinal marijuana. She says she wants to make sure the CDC knows how she feels about the suggestion to take aspirin for severe pain.
“If you’ll pardon the expression,” Cochran says, “the CDC is full of shit.”
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An All-Natural, Cannabis Toothpaste You Can Make At Home
By sousweed
Within these last few years, researchers have discovered that using just a spoonful ofcoconut oil instead of toothpaste can have a lot more of a positive effect on the hygiene in your mouth.
The team from AIT tested the antibacterial action of coconut oil and found that incorporating enzyme-modified coconut oil into dental hygiene products would be an attractive alternative to chemical additives. The oils were tested against strains ofStreptococcus bacteria which are common inhabitants of the mouth. They found that enzyme-modified coconut oil strongly inhibited the growth of most strains of Streptococcusbacteria which is also major cause of tooth decay.
You’ve probably heard the joke; Coconut oil fixes everything from dry skin, to cavities, to your bad credit. Coconut oil is pretty great but it’s even better when it’s got cannabis infused in it!
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Cannabis Helps My Epileptic Son. If Only We Had Known Sooner
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Miracle Plant: Cannabis Oil Helps Infant Beat Aggressive Eye Cancer
by Aaron Kase
Two-year old Waldo Dwyer dabs his finger in a small puddle of hot sauce on his high-chair tray and sticks it in his mouth. The child looks perturbed for a moment, then bursts into laughter at the spicy sensation.
Waldo has good reason to be happy. When he was six months old he was diagnosed with a rare form of eye cancer and was facing an uncertain future. Doctors said he had a 50 percent chance of losing his eye. Today Waldo is tumor free, an active, outgoing kid full of energy, thanks in part, his parents say, to cannabis oil.
“This story is incredibly hopeful,” says Brian Dwyer, Waldo’s father. “It’s about plants, the people who grow them, and medicine that is sacred.”
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