Banda turns herself in as attorney and supporters speak out


As she approached the Finney County Sheriff’s Office Monday, Shona Banda, the local medicinal marijuana advocate who gained national attention after the state took custody of her son, was surrounded by supporters, including Jennifer Winn, the Republican candidate who challenged Gov. Sam Brownback in last August’s primary.
Banda, accompanied by her attorney Sarah Swain and several others, turned herself in at the Law Enforcement Center at 2 p.m. Monday. Several local media outlets gathered outside along with other supporters.
Banda was charged June 5 with endangering a child, distribution or possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance within 1,000 feet of school property, unlawful manufacture of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Three of the charges are felonies and Banda faces a potential sentence of 11 to 17 years.
Following her client’s surrender, Swain held a press conference where she fielded questions about the case, Banda’s health, and the status of the child-in-need-of-care custody case involving her 11-year-old son.
Swain believes the combination of charges, because of their respective severity levels, could land Banda in jail for more than 30 years if she is convicted and sentenced.

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Be.e, the World’s First All-Hemp Electric Scooter

Within the first few months of 2016, a Holland based company called Van.eko plans on introducing the world’s first ever electric scooter made completely out of hemp. The fact that the ingenious idea for this one-of-a-kind vehicle comes from a country known for its environmentalism is no surprise, and neither should its eventual impact on the European market once available.
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Oglala tribal member says he should be allowed to grow hemp

Rapid City Journal
Alex White Plume thought his decade-long wait to produce industrial hemp on a South Dakota Indian reservation was ending when the federal government softened its stance on marijuana enforcement and lawmakers expanded the development of hemp under certain circumstances.
But federal prosecutors in South Dakota refuse to lift an injunction against White Plume that prevents the enrolled member of the Oglala Sioux Nation from growing the crop.
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San Francisco to host medical marijuana food fair today


SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – If a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, imagine what a pancake breakfast might do for medical marijuana.
Marijuana is only legal for medical purposes in California, but that isn’t stopping purveyors of pot-infused cupcakes, nuts and other edible forms of the drug from putting on an outdoor food festival to showcase their wares.
The “Get Baked Sale” is happening today at a food truck hub in San Francisco comes as marijuana advocates are working to legalize recreational use of the drug through a statewide voter initiative next year.
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McConnell hemp amendment approved by Senate committee

Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.

Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.

Ensures industrial hemp pilot programs can continue without federal disruption

WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 11, 2015) — U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced today that an amendment he introduced with Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Oreg.) and Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) regarding legal industrial hemp cultivation pilot projects was approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee and is now included in the Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) Appropriations bill.
The hemp amendment, which continues McConnell’s efforts from last year, provides that no funds can be used by federal agencies in violation of McConnell’s provision in the 2014 Farm Bill, which gave state agricultural commissioners and universities the go ahead to cultivate hemp for pilot programs.
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Senate Panel Votes to Protect State Medical Marijuana Laws


In a strong bipartisan vote on Thursday, a key U.S. Senate panel acted to protect state medical marijuana laws from federal interference.
The Senate Appropriations Committee approved an amendment that would bar the Department of Justice from spending any money to prevent states from implementing their own medical cannabis policies. The vote tally on the measure, sponsored by Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), was 21 – 9.
States with medical marijuana laws “need to know they’re safe from federal action,” Mikulski said in a debate before the vote. She introduced the amendment to “honor states’ rights and let the doctors do their job.”
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Santa Ana Cops Caught On Camera Eating Pot Candy, Joking About Kicking Amputee Patient In Her ‘Nub’?

By Nick Schou
The Weekly has received footage from a recent marijuana dispensary raid that appears to show Santa Ana police officers eating pot candy and throwing darts after destroying–or so they thought–all the surveillance cameras inside the cannabis shop.
The video footage shows an officer stuffing something into his mouth and handing something to another cop, who asks him “What flavor?” The officers then laugh. The footage is too grainy to be certain that the item that the officer picks up from the counter of the cannabis shop is in fact a pot edible, although the behavior of the officers suggests this is the case.
Also in the footage: a female police officer joking that she wanted to kick Marla James–a marijuana activist and wheelchair-bound amputee who was present during the raid–in her “nub.”
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Canada Supreme Court Rules Medical Marijuana Legal in All Forms

By Thomas H. Clarke |  The Daily Chronic
Medical marijuana patients in Canada will now be able to lawfully consume cannabis in all forms, instead of just being allowed to smoke it, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled on Thursday in a unanimous ruling.
Thursday’s ruling against the Canadian government expands the definition of medical marijuana beyond the dried form to include all derivatives, including oils, edibles and tinctures.
Because of the ruling, Sections 4 and 5 of the Controlled Drug and Substances Act, which prohibits possession and trafficking of non-dried forms of cannabis, will no longer be in effect, having been declared “null and void” by the Supreme Court.
According to Thursday’s ruling, the country’s highest court found that the current laws restricting medical marijuana to only dried flowers violates citizens’ rights to liberty “in a manner that is arbitrary and hence is not in accord with the principles of fundamental justice.”
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Cannabis shown to prolong the lives of those with ALS

By Leslie Kahn
Tom Cruise and some other guy Ice Bucket Challenge

Tom Cruise and some other guy Ice Bucket Challenge

We all remember the Ice Bucket Challenge craze of the summer of 2014, right? It all started with Pete Frates, a former baseball player who had been diagnosed with it a year before…except it really started before that…which doesn’t really matter…but it really snowballed with Pete Frates.

In any case, regular people started dumping buckets of ice water over their heads as a way of inspiring others to not only donate to the ALS Foundation but to take up the challenge and keep the “ball rolling” so to speak. And roll it did. During July and August of 2014, our FB feeds were completely taken over by the Ice Bucket Challenge as each person taking it filmed a video of him or herself enduring the freezing cold water in the name of charity. Then, all of a sudden some very famous people were also doing it; here’s the video of 27 of them. Oops. It says No Hotlinking which I had to look up, so apparently, I’m not allowed to share that. But, you can look it up, yourselves.
It was quite a phenomenon on several levels. Many people had never heard of ALS before 2014 despite the fact that it is also referr:
ed to as “Lou Gehrig’s disease.” He’s the famous baseball player of the 1930s who died of the disease in 1941. It actually stands for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis which is a horrible neurodegenerative disease which is thought to be a death sentence; life expectancy is 3 to 5 years. Except for Stephen Hawkings who has had it for 50 years but his case is different. However, Cathy Jordan who uses cannabis oil, has had it for 28 years and is still with us and Bob Strider has also survived for 17 years and he thinks he can reverse the symptoms with highly concentrated cannabis extract.

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