Author James King
Whoever replaces DEA chief Michele Leonhart will bring a more progressive approach to drug-policy reform—one more in line with the Obama Administration’s evolving views — according to several experts with whom we spoke.
Attorney General Eric Holder announced Leonhart’s retirement on Tuesday after 22 congressmen signed a bipartisan no-confidence statement citing allegations that under Leonhart’s watch, DEA agents had attended drug-fueled sex parties overseas, some of them allegedly funded by drug cartels. It also is widely believed that Leonhart had fallen out of favor with the president for being out of step with Obama Administration on the legalization of marijuana.
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Category: Cannabis News Corner
Cannabis Edibles for Pets
With just a click, dog and cat owners can now purchase capsules, biscuits, and other cannabis edibles as natural pain relievers and anti-inflammatory supplements.
The purchase and use of the products is legal in the U.S. because they contain such a low percentage of THC and are not intended for human consumption.
Therefore, it meets the definition of “hemp supplements” under US federal law.
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Activists, State Legislator Smoke Cannabis at New Hampshire State House Front Door
by Ian Freeman
Dylan Gingues and NH state rep Kyle Tasker with a big jar of primo cannabis outside the State House.
For the sixth consecutive year, activists smoked cannabis out in front of the New Hampshire state house on April 20th at 4:20pm, in heroic defiance of the state’s draconian drug laws that consider cannabis possession to be a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail and up to a $2,000 fine.
Dozens of New Hampshire’s inhabitants braved constant rain and cold to come out for the epic event, which also featured state representative Kyle Tasker toking up. Tasker later said in an interview exclusive to Free Keene, “The message sent by law enforcement and heard loud and clear by protesters was police have more important things to do than harass otherwise law abiding citizens over marijuana possession and public use even when it was clear there were amounts present at the protest that could be charged as a felony. The New Hampshire senate needs to consider how productive it is to keep an unenforced, indeed nearly unenforceable law on the books with which the public disagrees.”
No one has ever been arrested at these events despite mass civil disobedience of the cannabis possession laws taking place right outside the state house’s front doors. In fact, obvious police presence was near-zero this year, with a lone state trooper sitting across the street idling in his cruiser for a short time. In previous years, troopers have stood inside the state house windows, watching with crossed arms. This year, nothing!
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October 6 – 7 – Uckermark, Germany – 5th International Hemp Building Symposium 2015
The IHBA’s 5th International Hemp Building Symposium will be held on the 6-7th October 2015 at the the Schlüßhof, Uckermark, Germany.

5th International Hemp Building Symposium 2015
The 5th gathering of International Hemp Building experts will be held in theUckermark region of Germany to the North of Berlin. The venue is the Schlüßhofsituated in a rural location, 1h 30 from Berlin.
The two days of activity will include presentations of academic thesis, case studies and new material development. As part of the Symposium there will also be an educational visit to the Hanffaser factory to actually see Hemp building materials being processed and uses demonstrated.
The Symposium language will be English.
This years accommodation is in the Schlüßhof venue, where the Symposium is being held and is included in the delegate fee.
Registration is now open.
Your full registration payment can be made by Credit Card via PayPal or by Bank Transfer. Full IHBA members can avail of the 20% discount on the delegate fee.
Your booking is the attendance fee for the two day Symposium with, lunches and evening meal, 1-3 nights accommodation and the hemp factory tour.
Symposium Programme
Symposium Speakers
Symposium How to get there
June 29 – July 1 – Bellingham, Washington – Hempcrete Building Workshop – Learn Sustainable, Non-toxic, Breathable, Carbon-negative Building Construction with pioneer hemp builder Steve Allin
Hempcrete Building Workshop
Learn Sustainable, Non-toxic, Breathable, Carbon-negative Building Construction
with pioneer hemp builder Steve Allin
Monday June 29 through Wednesday July 1
Begins at 9am.
at 1010 Highland Drive, Bellingham
$350: $400 after June 10.
Contact: for registration and information.
Lakeway Inn discount if booked by May 28. Mention Hemp Dwellings when booking.
Inquire about a limited number of internship positions.
Free Lecture and Informational Show
Sunday June 28 7 PM – 9PM
Open to the public.
Steve will also be giving a free performance of
Stand up info show, facts, fun, and music
June 28, 7 – 9 PM, at ReSources, 2309 Meridian St
Location: ReSources – 2309 Meridian St, Bellingham, WA 98225
About Steve
Mr. Allin has enthusiastically pioneered the use of hemp in building internationally since 1997 & is the author of the pre-eminent book “Building with Hemp” (2006) 2nd Edition, 2012. He has also contributed articles to a variety of publications from the Green Building Bible to Cannabis Culture magazine.
Former co-director of Hemp Ireland Ltd. (1998-2003) which was set up to research and develop a hemp processing facility in Ireland. The information gained from this helped in developing the plans for a truly sustainable industrial production of hemp on a local community level as a bio-regional approach to the production of basic ecologically appropriate food, biomass and building materials.
The use of hemp in construction was seen by Steve as the best way to expand the production of hemp and a way to increase the value of the hemp wood element of the crop. In his activities connected to actually using the materials he has experimented with many different combinations of ingredients to create a binder for hempcrete and has consulted with different projects all over the world, from Austria to Canada and Slovakia to the U.K. and has worked on projects in Switzerland and all over Ireland.
He is currently director of the International Hemp Building Association IHBAestablished in November 2009 after the successful 1st International Hemp Building Symposium which he organised earlier that year in Ireland. He continues to act as an advisor for projects wishing to establish hemp processing facilities for hemp construction products.
Learn more about Steve and Hemp Building at
Ex-Cops Smoking Weed: Full Video
Dr. Sanjay Gupta drops bomb with ‘WEED 3’ on eve of 420
President Obama will endorse the legalization of medical marijuana in the CNN special ‘WEED 3’ by Dr. Sanjay Gupta tonight at 9 p.m. Eastern and Pacific. Dr. Gupta asks President Obama if he supports Senate-level efforts to officially end the federal war on medical marijuana.
According to reports, The President said he’d need to examine the details, but “I’m on record as saying that not only do I think carefully prescribed medical use of marijuana may in fact be appropriate and we should follow the science as opposed to ideology on this issue, but I’m also on record as saying that the more we treat some of these issues related to drug abuse from a public health model and not just from an incarceration model, the better off we’re going to be.”
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A Kid in Kansas Challenged His School’s Anti-Drug Program — So the Police Raided His House
By Tom McKay
If you live in Kansas, better teach your kids to “just say no” when the teachers tell them to.
After an elementary school student in Garden City told anti-drug counselors they were wrong about marijuana, the school got the local police officers to search the student’s residence. When they found a small amount of weed, the kid was transferred to state custody.
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Hemp For Victory [Full Official 1942]
Jack Herer – Emperor of Hemp (Full Video)