Epic pair: SF’s best marijuana, food trucks unite

by David Downs

Hemp finding new customers as a source of alternative protein

In addition to its seed, hemp is grown for use in protein powders and other dietary supplements.  |  File photo
It’s a good time to be an alternative protein.
A reputation for being “overall wholesome” is also helping hemp products find a hungry market, a consumer market analyst told the Canadian Hemp Trade Association annual convention Nov. 18.
“We are seeing an increasing number of consumers who are looking for an alternative source of protein,” Svetlana Uduslivaia of Euromonitor International said.
Hemp has multiple human food uses, including protein powders, protein meal, dietary supplements, functional foods and healthy-seeming foods.
The crop is still an infant food industry in North America, after being legalized and adequately regulated in the late-1990s. However, it is appearing in an increasing number of human food and nutritional products.
Uduslivaia said hemp is well-positioned to grow.
Hemp protein, pea protein and brown rice protein have found a growing demand in the protein products area, which was once dominated by men and weight lifters. The revival of protein as a positive food element has allowed its market to expand beyond muscle-focused men to include young, health-conscious women.
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Bill introduced to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana in Virginia

BY FRANK GREEN Richmond Times-Dispatch

A bill that would decriminalize the possession of an ounce or less of marijuana has been introduced by state Sen. Adam P. Ebbin, D-Alexandria, for the coming General Assembly session.

The effort comes on the heels of legalization in two other states. Ebbin said there have been unsuccessful bills introduced in the Virginia House of Delegates in the past, but that this is the first he is aware of coming from the Senate.


A bill that would decriminalize the possession of an ounce or less of marijuana has been introduced by state Sen. Adam P. Ebbin, D-Alexandria, for the coming General Assembly session.

The effort comes on the heels of legalization in two other states. Ebbin said there have been unsuccessful bills introduced in the Virginia House of Delegates in the past, but that this is the first he is aware of coming from the Senate.

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Australia – Medical marijuana bill before Senate


Cannabis as illustrated in Köhler’s book of medicinal plants from 1897 www.caliban.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/koehler

Senators from across the political divide have endorsed a bill to set up a regulator to oversee the farming and production of marijuana for medical use.
Legislation was introduced to the Senate on Thursday to establish a Regulator for Medical Cannabis and create a tightly controlled farming regime for marijuana.
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Patients Seek To Add Their Conditions To Medical Marijuana List

by Christine Stuart

Hertz Nazaire, 41, lives with sickle cell disease and while he says he’s never tried marijuana to ease his chronic pain, he hates the narcotics he because they make him dizzy and nauseous. He said he would like medical marijuana to be an option.
“The pain is as strong as any other disease you have on that list,” Nazaire told the state physicians board Wednesday during a public hearing.
Nazaire wants the board to add sickle cell disease to the list of 11 conditions that qualify a patient to receive medical marijuana in Connecticut.
“My pain is not being addressed in a legal means,” Nazaire said. “I’m sitting here today just to ask that patients like myself be given a choice.”
He said his pain usually goes untreated because he is viewed by the medical community as someone who is seeking treatment to “get high” because the most common treatment for the pain is addictive narcotics.
“I deal with strong pain, insomnia, and nausea from my prescribed medications,” Nazaire told the four member board.
Dr. John Roberts of Yale University, who has cared for adults with sickle cell disease for more than 20 years, said the “hallmark of sickle cell disease is pain.”
He said many people with sickle cell disease take many medications and he believes medical marijuana could help ease the pain.
But as long as marijuana is illegal, it’s difficult to study its effects on sickle cell disease.
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New bill would allow the VA to recommend medical marijuana for patients

By Emily Wax-Thibodeaux – The Washington Post
WASHINGTON — Arguing that medical marijuana may help wounded warriors with anxiety and stress disorders to “survive and thrive,” Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., and Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., have introduced legislation that would allow Department of Veterans Affairs’ doctors to recommend the drug for some patients.
The Veterans Equal Access Act and would challenge the VA’s policy that forbids doctors from consulting about medical pot use. Earlier this month, The Washington Post reported about the issue.
“We should be allowing these wounded warriors access to the medicine that will help them survive and thrive, including medical marijuana, not treating them like criminals and forcing them into the shadows,” said Blumenauer in a statement.
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In Chile, mothers give epileptic kids covertly grown marijuana

The Japan Times
Seven-year-old epilepsy sufferer Javiera Canales holds a watering can on Nov. 16 amid pots of cannabis plants grown for their oil. Her mother, Paulina Bobadilla, knows cultivation is illegal, but says a few drops a day lessens Javiera's seizures. | AP
Paulina Bobadilla was beyond desperate. The drugs no longer stopped her daughter’s epileptic seizures and the little girl had become so numb to pain, she would tear off her own fingernails and leave her small fingers bleeding.
Bobadilla was driving on a mountain road with Javiera, intent on ending it all by steering their car off a cliff.
“All I wanted to do was to die along with her,” the 34-year-old mother recalled of that day in April 2013. “I told her: ‘This is it.’ But then she said, ‘Mommy, I love you.’ I looked at her and I knew I had to continue fighting.”
Bobadilla’s desperation to ease her daughter’s condition is an emotion familiar to other Chilean parents who say medical marijuana can help their children and who, rather than wait for Congress to act, have taken matters into their own hands.
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Calculating the Enormous Potential of the Hemp Industry

Sean Gallup/Getty Images
“The crop right now is sellable,” Colorado hemp farmer Jim Denny told NPR reporters earlier this year. “I’ve already had people contact me on my website saying, ‘We know you’re growing stuff and we want to buy it from you already.’ And we haven’t even put it in the ground.”
What Denny is experiencing is called demand, and it’s one half of the most basic blocks of modern economics. The other, supply, is what he is trying to generate. And he’s not alone. The fact is, industrial hemp — which is a cousin of the marijuana plant, sans the psychoactive compound THC — is a potential gold mine for the agricultural industry. The problem is that so far, it’s been lumped together with marijuana and made out to be dangerous, when it is in fact no more dangerous than cotton or wood.
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Dr. Oz Show Nov. 24: Natural Immunity Booster and Energy Reboot

Hemp Seeds contain both protein and fiber. Oz says using these during the day by sprinkling them on fruit or adding them to a smoothie will keep your energy levels up all day long. Oz warns that the nutrients in Hemp are lost when they are heated so it is important to eat them “raw.”
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Merry marijuana: Pot sellers woo holiday shoppers


From new marijuana strains for the holidays to gift sets and pot-and-pumpkin pies, the burgeoning marijuana industry in Colorado is scrambling to get a piece of the holiday shopping dollar. Dispensaries in many states have been offering holiday specials for medical customers for years — but this first season of open-to-all-adults marijuana sales in some states means pot shops are using more of the tricks used by traditional retailers to attract holiday shoppers.
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