Making Over Marijuana: How Pot Shops Are Getting a Smokin’ New Look


As pot’s reputation shifts, the appearance of the dispensaries where it’s sold is changing too.

“The reality is that someday soon cannabis will be normal retail next to Starbucks or a yogurt shop,” says Megan Stone, a 30-year-old interior designer who has run the High Road Design Studio in Phoenix, Arizona, which specializes in dispensaries, since 2013. Dispensaries looking to attract a less grungy class of clientele turn to professionals like Stone to change their image, but just by being herself, Stone is already helping the rebranding: “Look at me. I’m not the typical marijuana smoker,” she says.” I’m a woman. I’m young. I’m starting something kind of trendy.”
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Senator asks for ‘compassion’ on medical marijuana
Senator Daylin Leach
Senator Daylin Leach
HARRISBURG, Pa. –  State Senator Daylin Leach (D-Montgomery/Delaware) is asking Pennsylvania’s district attorneys to not prosecute people who use marijuana for medical purposes. The senator is asking the DAs “to perform an act of compassion.”
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Recreational Marijuana Debate Heads To Carson City

As the debate on marijuana dispensaries in Clark County continues, two Las Vegas City Councilmen have expressed cautionary words from both the law and business sides of the table. Credit Getty Images
A Las Vegas councilman said on KNPR’s State of Nevada Tuesday that the Nevada Legislature will be forced to consider a resolution to legalize marijuana in the state.
State Sen. Richard “Tick” Segerblom, D-Las Vegas, confirmed that that 105,000 signatures have been collected on a petition to legalize marijuana. Those signatures had to be collected by mid-November in order to be admitted to the Legislature when it begins its 2015 session in January.
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War on marijuana unconstitutional, doctors testify in federal court Monday

by David Downs

All My Facebook Friends Are Feds: Social Network Flips Off DEA


Oddly, it all went wrong once this guy friended us. - STEVE TERRELL/FLICKR

  • Steve Terrell/Flickr
  • Oddly, it all went wrong once this guy friended us.

There are a lot of weird people in the marijuana legalization movement. And some of them are federal agents.
That the drug reform movement has been infiltrated has been a commonly held belief among activists for years. “At least 10 percent” of the stoners, pipe-sellers and weed trimmers are law enforcement plants, East Bay activist Mickey Martin (who did five years of probation on a federal indictment after an informant dimed him out) tells us.
It’s not all paranoia. The DEA has been sued by a New York State woman who alleges that feds stole her identity in order to create a fake Facebook profile to lure in offenders. And Facebook isn’t feeling it: in court filings late last week, the social network told the government to stop — it’s a violation of Facebook’s terms of service.
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Woman Ousted By Church For Medicinal Marijuana Use

Brittany Rainville, KBMT-TV, 12 News Now


KBMT reporter Brittany Rainville interviews Jason Falconbridge with his mother, Faith Bodle, who was ejected from her church for using medicinal marijuana or cannabis extract.(Photo: KBMT)

BEAUMONT, TX (KBMT) – A Beaumont, Texas woman says she has been cast out of her church for her use of medicinal marijuana.
Faith Bodle said she uses cannabis extract, an oil derived from marijuana, to treat illnesses like degenerative spine disease, congestive heart failure and arthritis.
Bodle said fellow church members at Beaumont Seventh Day Adventist Church grew concerned after seeing her support the use of marijuana on a report on 12News.
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Pot Use Among Colorado Teens Appears to Drop After Legalization

The Associated Press

Chef Alex Tretter carries a tray of cannabis-infused peanut butter and jelly cups to the oven for baking at Sweet Grass Kitchen, a marijuana edibles bakery in Denver, on June 19, 2014.

Marijuana use among Colorado high school students appears to be declining, despite the state’s pioneering voter-approved experiment with legalization.
According to preliminary data from the state’s biennial Healthy Kids Colorado Survey, in 2013 – the first full year the drug was legal for adults 21 and older – 20 percent of high school students admitted using pot in the preceding month and 37 percent said they had at some point in their lives.
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Nevada high court strikes DWI implied consent law

by William Helbling
[JURIST] The Nevada Supreme Court [official website] on Thursday ruled [opinion, PDF] that Nevada’s implied consent law [text], which allows police officers to take blood samples of motorists to determine impairment, is unconstitutional. The case involved a man named Michael Byars who was stopped by state troopers for driving under the influence of a controlled substance. Upon questioning the suspect the officers detected the smell of marijuana and arrested Byars, who was later subject to blood testing allowed by Nevada’s implied consent law. The Nevada Supreme court ruled that the implied consent rule as used within the case was unconstitutional because the warrantless search violated the Fourth Amendment [text]. However, the evidence found through the blood testing was not suppressed by use of the exclusionary rule because the court found the officers acted in good faith.
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Legal recreational marijuana looming in Nevada future

by Phil Hevener
Marijuana in Casinos could be in the near future
Nevada’s medical marijuana regs will get close attention when lawmakers set up shop in Carson City early next year, and no one will be more interested than resort operators who are skilled at satisfying high rollers even when there is a tendency to look the other way while doing it.
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Players Network Announces Approval of Conditional Use Permits for Medical Marijuana Cultivation and Production Facilities

The City of North Las Vegas has Granted Green Leaf Farms Holdings Two Conditional Use Permits for its Medical Marijuana Cultivation and Production Facilites

LAS VEGAS, NV / ACCESSWIRE / October 17, 2014 / Players Network (PNTV), a Digital Television, Technology and New Media company that develops, owns, and operates Branded Lifestyle Channel Destinations announces today that the City of North Las Vegas approved two Condition Use Permits for Medical Marijuana Cultivation and Production Facilities. Green Leaf Farms Holdings of which 80% is owned by Players Network (“Company” and/or “PNTV”) is the contract purchaser of 3.2 acres of land on Apex Great Basin Way in North Las Vegas, Nevada. The Conditional Use Permits are for a Cultivation Facility for Medical Marijuana and a Production Facility for Edible Medical Marijuana and Marijuana-Infused Products on this property.

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