By Leah DeAnda
LAKE COUNTY, California >> According to attorney Joe Elford, a lawsuit was filed Friday at the U.S. District Court in San Jose against Lake County authorities. Elford said the suit was on behalf of residents who claim they were subject to warrantless searches and unlawful abatement procedures by the Lake County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) in violation of Measure N.
Complaints were originally aired publicly during a Board of Supervisors meeting on Aug. 19. At that meeting, county residents alleged that LCSO officers had visited more than 30 properties in Spring Valley without warrant. Some residents claimed they were not notified or contacted before the officers went on their property, other residents said their locks were cut and LCSO officers allegedly cut down marijuana plants without providing abatement notices or allowing time for a summary abatement to be disputed.
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Category: Cannabis News Corner
Nixon Unknowingly ‘Muled’ for Pot Smuggling Louis Armstrong?
Richard Nixon (1913-94) could be quite naïve.
In the late 1950s, the U.S. State Department made jazz legend Louis Armstrong (1901-71) a “Goodwill Ambassador” and underwrote a concert tour in Europe and Asia. On his return from the first two tours, Armstrong and his entourage were waived through customs without a search based on Satchmo’s ambassadorial status, but when he landed at Idlewild Airport in New York in 1958, he was directed toward the customs lines. Customs agents had been tipped off that contraband was being imported into the country. Armstrong joined a long line of travelers lined up for inspections. Unfortunately, the jazz trumpeter was carrying three pounds of marijuana in his suitcase. Once Armstrong realized he was about to be busted and would bring shame on the country he was traveling on behalf of, he began sweating profusely.
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Illegal Medicine: The Struggle of A Southern Medical Marijuana Activist
I find it surreal, this world I live in…a world that feels like a dream of how the future is not supposed to be. Ours is a world full of people who are suffering, living with pain that could be eased by a plant… a simple, beautiful flower. But they may not be allowed to use it, depending on where they live.
Depending on where a person lives, for some the plant is celebrated and used freely, without fear of reprisal. For others, it could mean years behind bars. And I was born one of the latter places. I live in a state where most people believe marijuana, or cannabis, is bad.
In Alabama, miseducation is rampant. Willful ignorance abounds. People still fear this miraculous plant. I have been locked up just for being near it, and there is something sickening and absurd about that, especially when that “bad” plant can stop chronic pain and ease the suffering of people just like my son.
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Comedian/activist Credico seeks Democratic nod for governor
Jon Campbell
ALBANY – Randy Credico performed stand-up comedy on Johnny Carson’s “The Tonight Show” in 1984.
He has stood outside of the state Capitol dressed as Diogenes, an ancient Greek philosopher who famously searched for an honest man.
He once lit up a joint in the state Capitol, a protest, he said, of New York’s marijuana laws.
And on Sept. 9, Randy Credico is asking for your vote.
Credico is one of three on the Democratic primary election ballot for governor, along with incumbent Gov. Andrew Cuomo and first-time candidate Zephyr Teachout.
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When it comes to the problems facing the world today . . . the answer’s hemp. Now what’s the question?
“If the words ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’ don’t include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn’t worth the hemp it was written on” – Terence McKenna, alternative scientist
“Nearly all medicines have toxic, potentially lethal effects. But marijuana is not such a substance. There is no record in the extensive medical literature describing a proven, documented cannabis-induced fatality. […] Simply stated, researchers have been unable to give animals enough marijuana to induce death […]
In practical terms, marijuana cannot induce a lethal response as a result of drug-related toxicity. […] In strict medical terms, marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume. […] Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man” – US Drug Enforcement Agency Administrative Law Judge, FL Young
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New Denver Hemp Clothing Company Promises Free Weed with Purchase
By Celeste Stiles | The Daily Chronic
DENVER, CO — There’s a new hemp clothing company coming to Denver, and they promise to personally deliver an added gift with every purchase: a free eighth of marijuana.
The company, Hemp House Clothing, is offering the promotion to adults 21 or older who live in the Denver area only, as the purchases — and free weed — will be delivered in person.
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Making houses out of mushrooms
By Golda Arthur
Buildings made from natural resources are challenging conventions in design
Much of the construction industry depends on fossil fuels, creating a big carbon footprint. As pressure mounts to make construction “greener”, experts have started to design houses out of hemp and straw, and bricks made of mushrooms.
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Dr. Oz: 5 simple steps to boost happiness and diet plan to prevent depression
Samantha Chang
Screengrab from Fox TV
Dr. Oz said hemp seeds are effective for relieving anxiety and depression. They’re also a natural appetite suppressant that have been shown to aid weight loss.
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National CBD-Only Law Proposed: Is Charlotte’s Web Choking out Legalization?
Ladybud Admin
Republican Scott Perry from Pennsylvania introduced a bill into the United States House of Representatives at the end of July that could, if passed, legalize certain low-THC strains of cannabis. That’s right folks, in case you hadn’t heard yet, there’s now a federal CBD-only law in the works. It’s called the Charlotte’s Web Medical Hemp Act of 2014.
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Hot buzz: Fancy a ‘legal’ cannabis infused fizzy drink?
ANI London
‘Legal’, which is designed by Mirth Provisions, contains 10 milligrams of locally grown cannabis extract, the Daily Star reported.
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