6 unexpected products made from hemp

By: Matt Hickman
A woman explores a hemp maze at Château de la Roche-Jagu in France. (Photo: Barbetorte/Wikimedia Commons)
Once upon a time, hemp was one of America’s most vital cash crops, a hardy, low-maintenance and incredibly versatile plant, the fiber of which was used to produce everything from rope to paper. Heck, even George Washington — and a smattering of other early United States presidents including Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson — were proponents of industrial hemp cultivation and grew cannabis on their plantations (presumably not to craft chunky beaded chokers and macramé plant hangers).
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Las Vegas lists all medical marijuana applicants

The full list of applicants hoping to win approval to open medical marijuana establishments within the City of Las Vegas is listed below. The address is the site they plan to use. Some have filed for multiple dispensary sites and some are seeking a dispensary, a cultivation site and a production site.
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The Federal Marijuana Ban Is Rooted in Myth and Xenophobia (intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries).

Smartphone app promises medical pot delivery

Agence France-Presse

Startup Eaze on Tuesday released a smartphone application promising prompt, professional delivery of medical marijuana the doors of patients in San Francisco.

Eaze said that drivers referred to as “caregivers” will get medicinal doses to their intended recipients in an average of 10 minutes in most cases.

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Former Colorado Jail Might Transform Into a Massive Marijuana Grow Facility


In March, Colorado native Nicholas Erker purchased the town of Brush’s defunct Correctional Facility. Now, with more than six months of successful legal weed in Colorado’s history books, Erker wants to turn his purchase into a cultivation facility and start selling retail cannabis in Brush.

The only problem? Brush–a town with the motto “Homegrown Happiness!”–has a moratorium on marijuana businesses in place until 2016. That moratorium means no individual can legally grow cannabis or sell retail marijuana in Brush’s confines.

Fortunately, the moratorium can be revisited at any time. To plead his case and move the town’s stalled weed needle, Erker wrote a letter to the Brush City Council, politely asking them to lift the moratorium and allow him to turn the empty jail into a field of (marijuana) dreams.

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A Limited Amount of “Caring”: Parents and Advocates React to Realm of Caring’s Federal CBD-Only Bill

A Limited Amount of “Caring”: Parents and Advocates React to Realm of Caring’s Federal CBD-Only Bill
Image: Jason and Jayden David, photo courtesy of Jason David 

Congressman Scott Perry (D-PA), Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN) and Representative Paul Broun (R-GA) introduced the “Charlotte’s Web Medical Hemp Act of 2014″ yesterday in Pennsylvania, flanked by representatives from Colorado’s Realm of Caring (RoC), the producers of the high-CBD low-THC Charlotte’s Web cannabis strain.
According to yesterday’s press release from RoC,
The bill proposes to exclude industrial hemp and cannabidiol (CBD) from the definition of marijuana, ensuring that children and individuals with epilepsy and other debilitating seizure disorders have access to life-changing Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil and therapeutic hemp such as the Charlotte’s Web™ brand of hemp products. High CBD hemp strains have provided relief for thousands of people in the United States as it’s shown to reduce the amount and duration of seizures in children suffering from epilepsy and other seizure disorders.

One might think that the introduction of a federal medical marijuana bill with a good chance of passing would receive widespread support from cannabis reformers. However, in the pediatric cannabis community, parents are expressing disappointment, frustration, and even disgust over the proposed legislation. Perhaps, as RoC says in their press release, that’s because the bill would only allow for a product that’s not really medical marijuana at all.

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People in Colorado Are Serving Marijuana at Their Weddings

The gift bag in my hotel room at the last wedding I went to included water (good), cookies (better), and Advil (best). The gift bag at Lauren Meisels and Bradley Melshenker’s wedding in Colorado included a joint and pot-infused lip balm.
It wasn’t just a small “welcome to Colorado where weed is legal!” gesture — their entire wedding incorporated the drug, according to a delightful writeup in the New York Times. Flower arrangements included buds and leaves, the couple’s dogs wore collars with buds woven in, and the tables were named after different strains. The favor, of course, was epic:
Before going into dinner, the guests were given a baby marijuana plant in a ceramic pot with their name and table assignment written on a card in green ink, in the kind of stylish script you might find on a container of artisanal goat cheese.
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Altered state: My first visit home since Colorado legalized recreational marijuana

By Katie Johnston
Colorado marijuana

Usually when I talk to people about Colorado, the discussion revolves around my home state’s stunning mountain ranges and superb hiking, skiing, and camping.

This year, it’s all about pot.

In January, Colorado became the first state in the nation to legalize sales of recreational marijuana, so when I went home to visit my mom this summer, I decided to investigate this new tourist attraction — a purely professional curiosity, of course.

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